He is weary now.
The reins of his chariot lie coiled in the dust,
parched silent tongues
Horses drip sweat,
patient, unforgiving
patient, unforgiving
Bronze sloughs away and pink flesh burns in the sun shielded not by love, honour, or common dirt
Mud homes sink into the earth, collapse, molecules not divine
A single point of light above, God's torch, will not even forsake him,
burns lovingly and with care
burns lovingly and with care
Hatred provides no refuge
Falcon-eyed Mother:"Με την ασπίδα σας ή σε την"
There is no shield for the heart and a strong one too
Paradox of Sun and Earth
'Let me steal the rain, a cloud to cloud my bosom
and none to blow it away, a cloak to cloak cloakedness'
An unbegged-for blessing
water comes in torrents
hated moisture
The horses start
before two laughing ruts in the mud
by Carnuntum
by Carnuntum
Wow! Awesome work...and what a way to paint a scene. Nice!